Cardiff Castle


The very Castle, i.e. its living quarters, is a fantasy creation of the eccentric ninetieth century architect William Burges. However, their eclectic design fit well into history of building and rebuild the castle over last to millennia by different cultures and civilizations, starting Romans in I century AD, then Normans, and up to nowadays.

Especially, creation of Burges is praised for its internal decoration, which is indeed impressive.

And a bit of mural close-ups.

First writers in the library.

Inside the castle’s wall one may find a Norman Keep of the almost Invasion times. Of course the original one, built either by William the Conqueror, or one of his generals, was made of wood, but very soon it was replaced by the stone Keep.

Cardiff Castle is also known as a prison of the oldest son of William the Conqueror – Robert. Since their youth sons of the Conquerer, Robert, William II and Henry I, were quarreling between each other, and their fights were also fueled by favoritism of younger brothers by William. Nevertheless, Robert inherited Duchy of Normandy, while his younger brother William II got the English throne. But when William II died, Henry and Robert disputed English Crown. Eventually, Henry has won, and Robert spend more then 20 years of his life as royal prisoner, last fifteen in Cardiff Castle, where he passed away in his 80’s.


And, of course, the Globe of Cardiff…

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